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Two weeks after hiking up this mountain there is a sense of relief within me because I managed to complete it and the fact that I don't have to do it again ever ('If I have a choice'). Hiking down this mountain was even more horrible for me, with possibilities that I could bust my knee. Overall, it was a once in a life time experience that I would remember for a long time.. both the good and not so good memories. More pics can be viewed here
What's wrong with this guy? Driving his truck with his feet on the steering wheel! Even though there was a heavy traffic, it should not be an excuse..
Today marked my 100th post. I thought maybe I’ll write something about my Yahoo! mail. I’ve been using it for 10 years now with very little issues. Compared to the amount of genuine mails I receive, spam mails can be considered negligible. Hopefully everything goes well for this service in the future despite the takeover and merger talks that we often hear!
Everyone is in the Olympic mood. Even new blogs are being created dedicated to the Olympics. I'm lucky, cause it's holiday season here in Japan, I can stay at home and watch TV. Too bad for supporters who went to Beijing but couldn't get tickets. Empty seats are said being reserved for the 'big guns'. As for the Olympians, I can't imagine records are being broken everyday.. after all, records are meant to be ??
about a week ago, a friend of mine was wearing this t-shirt (yeah! he had to look lil' macho) which reminded me of Knut, the cute little polar bear. Knut is a big guy now, his pics can be viewed here, the one that he's reading his own book is too cute.. last July, there was a legal battle between two zoos in Germany over the profits raised from the worldwide attention received by the innocent Knut!, hopefully it all ends well
Can any of us still recall what in the world is this? Yeah! it's a floppy disc drive (USB external). Is it still useful these days? Yeah! if you're working in an environment with old machines that is connected to old computers, and you need to transfer the data to your own computer. It's quite handy actually..
Gion Matsuri is a Japanese traditional festival that is still celebrated in Kyoto. The festival spans about a month long with ‘Yamaboko Junko’ (or The Float Parade) being the peak of the festival. It was first held in 869, when a plague swept the country and the people prayed for its abatement by celebrating the Gion gods and paraded portable shrines through the streets (Industry and Tourism Bureau, City of Kyoto, 2008). This particular float in the pic, the ‘Naginata Boko’ leads the parade each year and is the only float that features a child (Industry and Tourism Bureau, City of Kyoto, 2008)